VLC / openSUSE 11.0 repository to be removed
openSUSE 11.0 has been End-Of_life for a good while already, but the VLC Repository kept on being available…
Enlightenment 1.0.0 for openSUSE
It’s been a long time since I was in touch with Enlightenment, back in the young days I…
GNOME 2.32.0 for openSUSE 11.3
WARNING – We have reports that this update does not (yet) work properly on x86_64. We’re looking into…
Compiz 0.9.0 submitted to Factory
As you already know, Compiz 0.9.0 has been released a while back. Due to the freeze of Factory,…
Juniper VPN on openSUSE x86_64
Connecting to a Juniper SSL/VPN from openSUSE x86_64 – A pain, but does work.
VLC 1.1.0 “The Luggage” went gold / openSUSE repositories updated
Last night, the VideoLAN project relesed the VLC Media Player in version 1.1.0. Users that had the VLC…