Dear Tumbleweed users and hackers,
Welcome to 2025! While we were all celebrating, some people continuously felt the urge to work on packages for Tumbleweed. Tumbleweed kept rolling, as we ensured the staging and openQA results would be monitored even during this time. This review will try to cover the most relevant changes since snapshot 20241218 and include things up to 20250108, which is the latest snapshot published as of this writing. I will thus cover 11 snapshots.
The most relevant and exciting things that have been delivered were:
- Linux kernel 6.12.6 & 6.12.8; FBDEV has been disabled
- LLVM 19.1.6
- PHP 8.3.15
- Qemu 9.2.0
- Systemd 256.10
- XFCE 4.20.0
- Shadow 4.17.0 & 4.17.1
- Samba 4.21.2
- KDE Plasma 6.2.5
- Poppler 24.12.0
- Mesa 24.3.3
- Ruby 3.4: all rubygems have been rebuilt for version 3.4 and the ruby3.3-rubygem packages have been dropped.
- Xen 4.20.0
The staging areas are already well filled up and the following things are works in progress:
- Removal of Python 3.10 module packages (we now build for 3.11, 3.12, and 3.13, with Python 3.11 still being the distro default interpreter)
- KDE Gear 24.12.1
- Mozilla Firefox 134.0
- Linux kernel 6.12.9
- Systemd 257
- RPM 4.20: a few caveats to consider: %patch is now a regular macro, and #%patch might not do what you’d expect. Commented-out lines should always escape % or use %dnl to comment out lines in a spec file. The usage of noarch and ifarch in a spec file are mutually exclusive, as are noarch and the usage of %_libdir.