openSUSE Tumbleweed – Review of the Week 2016/30

Dear Tumbleweed users and hackers,

This week we only delivered you three snapshots, 0724, 0726 and 0728. Build of the last one was a bit too fast and it bypassed 0727 while it was still testing – but in turn it now takes it’s ample time to let itself be distributed to the mirrors.

The noteworthy things that were delivered this week are:

  • Completion of KDE Applications 16.04.3
  • TeXLive 2016
  • Remmina 1.2
  • sssd 1.14.0 – NOTE: openQA failed some test, see boo#990375
  • openSSH 7.2p2

This being prepared and hopefully reaching you soon:

  • Kernel 4.7
  • QEMu 2.6 with RBD support
  • LXDM will be removed. Use lightdm instead
  • Plasma 5.7.2

Have a lot of fun – and enjoy the time