openSUSE Tumbleweed – Review of the week 2020/51

Dear Tumbleweed users and hackers,

The year is slowly coming to an end, and a lot of people start to disappear on holiday breaks. But as we’re already used from previous years, this has never stopped Tumbleweed. Same this year: week 51 has seen another 5 snapshots being published (1212, 1213, 1214, 1215, and 1216).

The main changes contained in those snapshots were:

  • GStreamer 1.18.2
  • systemd 246.7
  • Linux kernel 5.9.14
  • KDE Frameworks 5.77.0

The items planned to be shipped in the next snapshots contain these items:

  • KDE Applications 20.12
  • Linux kernel 5.10
  • Mozilla Firefox 84.0
  • icu 68.1: breaks a couple of builds (Staging:I)
  • brp-check-suse: a bug fix in how it detected dangling symlinks (it detected them, but did not fail as it was supposed to)
  • permissions package: prepares for easier listing, while supporting a full /usr merge
  • RPM 4.16: still a few packages build failures (Mozilla *, openblas)
  • Ruby 3.0: mainly YaST not ready for that switch. We are likely to stay on 2.7 as ‘default ruby’ version, but add rubygem packages for Ruby 3.0 by end of the year
  • First experiments with rpmlint 2.0 started in Staging:M
  • openssl 3.0: currently alpha 9 in Staging:O